Chanel brand story

Chanel brand story

Chanel brand story. Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel, the designer.

Chanel brand story – What do you picture when you think of such a well-known brand as Chanel? France, elegance, classic, status, self-respect, quality, dignity, beauty and, of course, freedom.

Gabrielle Chanel, known better as Coco Chanel, was a very innovative designer in the 19th century. She showed women that simplicity did not mean ‘boring’ and ‘uninspired’.

On the contrary! The designer demonstrated to the world that beauty does not have to be complex to enchant eyes and to captivate minds.

Chanel’s major message was that a woman could look good in everyday life. In essence, what Gabrielle offered was a change of perspective and the way to look at femininity.

The designer challenged the society that was ready to accept this challenge. The comfort that was perceived as an ‘antonym’ of exquisiteness became one whole with elegancy.

Frankly speaking, what Coco created was not uniquely a fashion revolution, it was also a revolution of femininity that became more fluid.

Trousers gained more popularity among women as well as dark colors that were mainly recognized as masculine in the times of Coco.

In fact, a shift from corsets to ‘comfortable fashion’ can be seen as feminist.

Women deserved to feel comfortable and to stay beautiful, and Chanel gave them what they needed: a convenient style that had become completely recognized.

As time is changing, Chanel brand is changing as well. It never gets old-fashioned, it moves forward, staying special, classic and contemporary simultaneously.

Time has seen a lot of Chanel’s faces among which there are sophisticated Audrey Tautou and Nicole Kidman, enigmatic Vanessa Paradis and Keira Knightley and feminine Marilyn Monroe.

The most interesting is that for many years Cara Delevingne has been modeling (not exclusively) for Chanel.

Delevingne represents beauty, freedom, and strength. When you look at her, you think she can do anything. She excites you and inspires you on brave actions.

Lately, Kristen Stewart is Chanel’s face. She appears both strong and sensual. You can feel a combination of opposites: feminine and masculine.

What is Chanel brand in the end? What story is it constantly telling us? Undoubtedly, it is a story of elegance, charm, and beauty. People want to be beautiful no matter century and no matter time.

It is also a story about character, inner strength, confidence, independence, and joy. It is something we can truly rely on, it is what makes us beautiful from inside…